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Python snippets: Chasing redirects and URL shorteners

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Quick post today. A few years back, there was a proliferation of link shorteners on Twitter: tinyurl,,,, and so on. When characters are precious, you don’t want to waste them with a long URL. This is frustrating for several reasons:

Twitter have tried to address this with their link shortener. All links in Twitter get wrapped with, so long URLs no longer penalise your character count, and they show a short preview of the destination URL. But this is still fragile – Twitter may not last forever – and people still wrap links in multiple shorteners.

When I’m storing data with shortened links, I like to record where the link is supposed to go. I keep the shortened and the resolved link, which tends to be pretty future-proof.

To find out where a shortened URL goes, I could just open it in a web browser. But that’s slow and manual, and doesn’t work if I want to save the URL as part of a scripted pipeline. So I have a couple of utility functions to help me out.

All the good link shorteners use HTTP 3XX redirects to send you to the next URL in the chain. A lot of HTTP libraries will just follow those if you make a GET request, so it’s enough to make a GET request and see where you end up. Here’s what that looks like with python-requests:

import requests

def resolve_url(base_url):
    r = requests.get(base_url)
    return r.url

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys

When run from the command-line, this just prints the final URL.

Sometimes I also want to see the intermediate links involved in the resolution: for example, if a site “helpfully” redirects any broken pages to a generic 404. In that case, I make individual HEAD requests and follow the redirects manually:

import requests

def chase_redirects(url):
    while True:
        yield url
        r = requests.head(url)
        if 300 < r.status_code < 400:
            url = r.headers['location']

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    for url in chase_redirects(sys.argv[1]):

This prints each URL involved in the chain. It’s useful for debugging a particular URL, or working out where a redirect chain falls over. I don’t use it as much, but it’s useful to have around.

There are definitely weird setups where these functions fall over (for example, a pair of pages which redirect to each other), but in the vast majority of cases they’re completely fine.

I have these two scripts saved as resolve_url and chase_url. I can invoke them from a shell prompt, or incorporate them in scripts. They’re handy little programs: incredibly simple, quick, and perform one task very well.